martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Baby Cardigans Frenzie

A very dear friend of us, gave us the cutest baby cardigan by Casilda&Jimena AW15 as a present for Baby#3 arrival. Its nude color matches with everything and the mink collar detaches, so it was only natural to maximize its use by making additional cardigans in an assortment of colors. Having said this, we might have gone a bit overboard with the project.

Here they are!

Unavoidably, the first one we made, was a dusty pink. So basic, its manufacture was ineludible. 

Valeria di Roma Merino yarn

Here is a shot of the finished jacket!

Then, after we finished the ruffleliberty shirt, we thought that a dark green could be flattering.

from Dark Green Dare. Also in Valeria di Roma

And of course, the blue electric rampage, ended up with an electric blue version. 
from Blue Electric Rampage

If this is not versatility, 
then I don't know what is!

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- use bottons to attach the collar to the cardigans. That way if you want to wear the cardigan without, the snap clips don't show
- use satin ribbons for the bow tie, they hold the knot better 
- keep in mind the cost, once you add the yarn, and the ribbon, a hand knit jacket, in awesome Merino yarn of course, ends up costing almost the same as the commertial one. But there is not price in the fulfillment feeling of hand making a precious piece for you dearest ones!

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