And that is just one of the many flaws of my second liberty autumn dress for bird #2.
Since some of my recent sewing had yielded such gratifying results, I fearlessly ventured into making this dress without a pattern. Big mistake!
Since some of my recent sewing had yielded such gratifying results, I fearlessly ventured into making this dress without a pattern. Big mistake!
Note to self: DO NOT, I repeat, do not let those scissors touch your precious fabrics without outlining a decent pattern onto it first.
I had to sew and rip those seams, once and again, because the chest was too broad and the arms too wide.
As much as I tried to fit it in, the neck is still too wide so it has to stay in the closet till next year. Lengthwise it was ok though, which is actually a bummer coz most probably my daughter will be taller next year...
Wait and See, what else?
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