martes, 1 de julio de 2014

Yellow Fever - Becky Progress

It might not look like much, but believe me, progress has been made on the Yellow Fever Bolero confection. 
To be sewn…soon
The back and arms are completed. I sewed them last night. Now, I should be crashing my brains about what the pattern for the original trim is, but
since not even my mother in law could guess with certitude what it was…I have decided to go for a Seed Stitch instead. I know..simplistic! tell me what the stitches are then...
Mistery Trim

Honestly, I am not known for being a perfectionist. I believe in balance and I try not to overachieve in quantity and/or perfection. So, despite occasional imperfections, I normally justify my idleness on fixing any potential mistakes with the very rational statement that, little mistakes are what make a garment obviously handmade and so, one should not mend e-ve-ry-thing. Continuing with that line of thought…copying doesn’t necessarily mean that the result has to be identical…Thus, seed stitch is a good comprise!
Anytime is a Good Time to Knit
Yesterday, I casted off the last stitches while parked outside my son's school, waiting for him to come out. If gods are favorable and I can spare some minutes tonight, I will get started with the contour trimming so that tomorrow during the lunch break I can progress some more. My coworkers are all hooked on my progress, it was quite ackward the first time I took my needles out to knit during our 15-20minutes after lunch table talk break, but now they are all intrigued about what I might be making next and how the projects turn out. Being a bit of an introvert, the exercise to publicly exhibit this still a minority and surely generational hobby was a dare that I am quite happy to have taken.

Do you Dare, too? 

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