miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Blue Marine

It all started coz I bought this very nice shirt for my 3year old from Nanos..a shop that I personally love

QUESTION: If a blog becomes ultra viral, do they give you free stuff for mentioning brands?

It obviously requires a jacket, and I already got one from the same brand which unfortunetely does not go well (color wise) with this particular shirt. I would not family economy could withstand getting a second one on a different color..and also, its pattern has got to be mine! It is one of those updated classics that become an extremely wearable, useful, MUST on any child's closet. 

All in all, I have bought the 6 balls of KATIA Merino 100% (color code 5) to tack the project.

Blue Marine Boy Project

If successful, the next thing would be to engineer a matching outfit for my 1.5 cutie pie baby girl. I will keep you posted on the progress of the endeavor!

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